Friday, December 14, 2007

Bedroom Decorating Ideas:Exotic Romance Moroccan/Asian Theme on a Budget

by Cathy Henry
Creating an exotic retreat is very easy and inexpensive when you use saris to decorate. You can usually find gorgeous silk embroidered saris for sale in eBay and other sources for under $20. Each sari is approx. 46" wide and about 6 yards long. This gives you ample materials for a wide range of luxurious accessories. By suspending two wooden dowels from the ceiling, one at the foot of the bed and one at the head, you can drape a sari over the rods to create a very opulent canopy over the bed.
Paint your walls a rich jewel tone to compliment your fabrics. Deep red, purples and midnight blues work well. Cut the sari in half and sew rod pockets into the top to create airy sheer silk drapery panels.
Use the various patterns in a typical sari to create a variety of pillows and cushions, table runners, mirror swags and even bedding. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination!
Remember, you are trying to create a very opulent retreat so do not forget the embellishments such as tassels, fringe and braid.
Add a few lacquer vases and chests or pewter accessories and you have an oasis fit for the king and queen!
If you enjoy my bedroom decorating ideas please leave me a comment. I love to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of using the saris as accents! I'm planing an Asian makeover of my bedroom once I move home from college, and I'm definitely going to borrow some of your tips. They'll give me an excuse the break out the sewing machine! ;)

Anonymous said...

Most definitely do I enjoy your ideas!! Bravo! Bravo! Thank you for sharing